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Ready to
Bea YOU?




Throughout the years I have come to learn that fitness is not a one size fit all.


My fitness journey has been full of ups and downs but that's the thing about it being MY fitness journey. I am a firm believer that this takes time but I wouldn't be me if I didn't admit that I sometimes sit and compare my journey to those on social media. I have come to learn that your health and well-being is not a one size fit all thing. It may take months or years to achieve your goal and I am here to tell you that, that is ok. Since I can remember I have been small and had an "athletic" build, I danced until my college years so working out wasn't something I was heavily into. A year or so before I became pregnant with my daughter I started teaching fitness classes, I incorporated my love for dancing and my new found love for fitness.


It wasn't until after I had my daughter, that I started to become transparent about my weight loss journey, which changed how I showed up in my fitness classes and also the women that I started to attract. I knew then that my purpose was to inspire and motivate other women to show up as their best selves!

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